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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sprouts | Uses

Sprouts have been used since ancient times as food and medicine. Some of the written uses of sprouts date back as far as 3000BC. and include indications that bean sprouts have been used to cure bloating, muscle cramps, digestive problems, week lungs and improve the sensation of touch. Sprouts are used in medicinal treatments such as reducing inflammation, as laxatives, for dropsy, rheumatism, and building a strong healthy body. Sprouts are used as food for survival supplying vitamins, enzymes and energy. Sprouting can take the place of fresh vegetables when fresh vegetables aren't available or in the event of crop failure's and other food shortages. After sprouting sprouts can be dried and kept almost indefinitely under proper conditions. Sprouts can be eaten raw served on salads sandwiches, or used in soups and stews, among many other dishes and uses. Sprouts are easy and affordable, start sprouting today.

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